The urban farm and campfire kitchen are outdoors, undercover and openly visible for everyone visiting to see just how everything grows and is cooked. The campfire kitchen has been created around fire, allowing us to prepare our fresh produce over fire grills, in our fire oven or in our smokers. We strive to to see our guests comfortable, in a casual, kick your shoes off sort of way, and encourage guests to meet others whilst sharing in our space and food.
Our menus vary daily based on seasonality and availability and are designed to be shared at both our open days and private events .
At Field and Fin our mission is to create a city version of a bush garden and campfire where people can gather to share in conversation, music and food.
Spending extended periods of time in these remote locations means you go without all the luxury of the mod cons we take for granted in the city. No power, no running water, no phones or internet and no shops for supplies. Just remote island wilderness and bountiful natural foods.
This means that getting by all comes down to what you can build, catch or grow with your own two hands . It also means that many hours are spent sharing stories and food around a fire with the traditional owners of the land.
Its from this experience that Daz decided to build Field and Fin, to bring a little bit of this laid back bush life to the city by building the urban farm. In turn, profit from Field and Fin helps to support the marine sanctuary in PNG
Owner and founder Daryl (Daz) Byrne is a bit of a bushy and a photographer, who has spent a life time in the remote wilderness of Papua New Guinea and Australia. Over the past 2 decades Daz has been developing a marine sanctuary and Eco lodge with the traditional owners of 5 small islands and their reef ecosystems in the coral sea.
Being a bit old school, Grant makes everything he can from scratch, including our relishes, pickles, breads and sauces.
His focus on using fresh available ingredients and reducing food waste means our menus are constantly changing to match our farms out put. It also means that our “pot luck” sunday menus is the most fluid of all, ensuring that we do all we can to use any fresh foods in our larder to its fullest potential whilst reducing our waste output.
Chef Grant Mcgregor is a partner in field and fin and a chef with over 3 decades of experience. Grant travels the world cooking and exploring food and brings back new ideas and recipes to spruce up Field and Fins menus every season.
So how does it all work?
The loop
We have created a small, natural, symbiotic ecosystem - a loop - that reuses the same water for our plants, mushrooms, fish, yabbies and fresh water mussels. We don’t use soil or add fertilisers, we grow in air, in water or a reusable growing medium, utilising the minerals that are naturally bio available within our systems.
Water, rich with fish waste, is pumped to the highest vertical gardens, where it falls, collecting oxygen along the way to pass through the roots of the plants, which in turn extract what they require to grow. This means the plants act as a filter for the water, sending it back to the fish clean and ready for the cycle again.
Our living composting machine
Along the way we extract any excess nutrients to be utilised in other parts fo the farm, where it's needed most. Living inside the gardens themselves is a plethora of beneficial bacteria and worms that help to remove waste and make the compounds found in the fish waste, readily available for the plants to extract for their growth.
Any excess waste still left in the water after a "season" of cycles is mechanically removed via our clarification tanks to create an organic and healthy bottled fertiliser, which you can take home to feed your own gardens.
As plants and mushrooms grow, their excess leaves, root mass and waste are placed into our cricket and worm farms. The crickets and worms are in turn, then fed to the fish.
When plants are ready for harvest we pick them, fresh, to order. If you want fresh fish, it's still swimming until moments before we put fill orders.
Ta dah!
And thats it .
It's all about copying a small slice of nature's magical process, plus a bit of clever tech and some know how. The end result is fresh, organic, healthy and local produce, with as minimal environmental impact as possible.
Our fresh produce then lands in the hands of our founder chef Grant who turns the freshly harvested, produce in to dishes for our seasonal menu or our farm store products.